Some articles on the S4S Coding website are licensed “CC BY-NC-SA 3.0” and are subject to the following license restrictions.
CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License Articles
The following articles are licensed “CC BY-NC-SA 3.0”.
- 3D Printed Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm School Project
- 5 Keys to Developing Great Computer Science Teachers
- 6 Factors For A Successful CoderDojo Programming Club
- Adding Machine Learning Blocks to Snap!
- Arduino Board Tutorial for Hackerspace Beginners
- Caesar Cipher Python Code
- Coding for Girls, No Need to Pinkify STEM Subjects
- Computing Education in UK Schools Royal Society Report
- Cubetto in the Primary School Coding Curriculum
- Scratch 3 Supports Micro:Bit, Tablets, and SmartPhones
- Teaching Advanced Programming Concepts with Scratch & ScratchJr
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Donald Trump As A Slimy Mollusk 10...
I used text to image prompts like The Persistence of Memory painting by Salvador Dalí...
National Curriculum in England Computing Programmes of Study September 2013 #Curriculum #Coding...
Gorgeous Landscape Oil Painting Inspired By Leonardo Da Vinci...
Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 Attached to a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ #RaspberryPi...
SDXL 1.0 had a problem interpreting the text to image prompt for a tornado best...