The Double Exposure of a Raging Storm in a Glass Bottle image was created using NightCafe AI Image Generator. IMHO NightCafe Studio is one of the best AI image generators for newbies.

Double Exposure Of A Raging Storm In A Glass Bottle

Double Exposure Of A Raging Storm In A Glass Bottle

The Double Exposure of a Raging Storm in a Glass Bottle AI image is a simple prompt:

“Double exposure of a raging storm in a glass bottle. Epic cinematic brilliant stunning intricate meticulously detailed dramatic atmospheric maximalist digital matte painting”

The second half of the prompt is a NightCafe preset called Epic: “Epic cinematic brilliant stunning intricate meticulously detailed dramatic atmospheric maximalist digital matte painting”

The first part of the prompt couldn’t be simpler: “Double exposure of a raging storm in a glass bottle.” and describes exactly what we want and what we got. I left exactly what SDXL to produce to chance, but thought it would look better with red adding, so tried:

“Double exposure of a raging storm in a glass bottle. Epic cinematic brilliant stunning intricate meticulously detailed dramatic atmospheric maximalist digital matte painting, reds”

Simply adding “reds” to the end of the prompt gave this result.

Double Exposure Of A Raging Storm

Double Exposure Of A Raging Storm

After that I went super obvious and added ship and green to the prompt:

“Double exposure of a ship in a raging storm in a glass bottle. Epic cinematic brilliant stunning intricate meticulously detailed dramatic atmospheric maximalist digital matte painting, reds, greens”

Double Exposure Of A Ship In A Raging Storm

Double Exposure Of A Ship In A Raging Storm

You can see despite keeping “reds” in the prompt, there’s not a lot of red. If I want red badly I could have added it earlier in the prompt or used red multiple times.

It’s an easy prompt to work with, minor changes will give good results.

AI Image Creation Settings

Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 (SDXL 1.0).
NightCafe Creator model Mysterious XL v4: An SDXL model for fantasy art and Asian culture, by LahIntheFutureland.

AI Image Text Prompts

Primary Text Prompt
“Double exposure of a raging storm in a glass bottle. Epic cinematic brilliant stunning intricate meticulously detailed dramatic atmospheric maximalist digital matte painting”
Weight: 1

Note: I didn’t use a negative prompt because I wasn’t expecting to see a lot of hands and feet or other things Stable Diffusion tends to have problems with since the main target of the prompt was a raging storm.

Other AI Prompt Settings

Initial Resolution: Medium
Runtime: Short
Seed: 405319830 the seed number adds randomness to the AI image creation process.
Overall Prompt Weight: 50%
Refiner Weight: 10%
Sampling method: K_DPMPP_2M