The Mad Scientist image was created using NightCafe AI Image Generator. IMHO NightCafe Studio is one of the best AI image generators for newbies.

The Mad Scientist

The Mad Scientist

The Mad Scientist is a cartoon-style digital illustration. It’s a relatively straightforward AI image prompt. The top part of the primary prompt is “Detailed digital illustration of a mad scientist with a big crazy smile holding a vial of electrical smoke in their laboratory : sparks! electricity!” and that’s pretty much what we get.

The rest is related to artists referenced “Yuumei, Dan Hillier, Chris Foss, Russ Mills, Michal Karcz” and fine-tuning the output with terms like “Highly detailed, ink flow, oil drips, contrasted outlines etc…”.

The result is a fun cartoon image of a mad scientist in a lab.

You’ll note there were five artists referenced, when so many are added it becomes a mush of their work at best (I copied this prompt from another NightCafe image creator). I ran the same AI prompt minus the artist names (same seed as well) and though the image was different, the style was pretty much the same. So those artists names aren’t important for this prompt.

AI Image Creation Settings

Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 (SDXL 1.0).
NightCafe Creator model Real Cartoon XL v4: An SDXL model good at realistic looking cartoons, by 7whitefire7.

AI Image Text Prompts

Primary Text Prompt
“Detailed digital illustration of a mad scientist with a big crazy smile holding a vial of electrical smoke in their laboratory : sparks! electricity! Highly detailed : ink flow : oil drips : contrasted outlines : Yuumei : Dan Hillier : Chris Foss : perfect composition : hyperrealistic : vibrant colors : Russ Mills : Michal Karcz : 8k”
Weight: 1

Negative Text Prompt
“poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed”
Weight: -0.3

Stable Diffusion XL has many problems with hands, feet, replicating body parts etc… added to images. This is where the negative prompt helps. By setting a negative number like -0.3 (note the negative sign -) this tells the AI to NOT do these things. So the above negative prompt is saying don’t add poorly drawn hands and face etc…

Other AI Prompt Settings

Initial Resolution: Medium
Runtime: Short
Seed: 1189560249 the seed number adds randomness to the AI image creation process.
Overall Prompt Weight: 75%
Refiner Weight: 50%
Sampling method: K_DPMPP_2M