National Curriculum in England: computing programmes of study Purpose Computing Programmes of Study A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity […]
Emotions in Education : Success of a CoderDojo Learning is always at its best an emotional experience. Complex tasks can easily result in feelings of […]
Stumbled on an educational Blockly/javascript code maze game based on the Google’s Blockly library. Google’s Blockly library is used for coding apps like Scratch and […]
In 2014 primary school children in the UK were introduced to the principles of computer programming/coding via the new UK National Curriculum. The UK government […]
Do primary school pupils understand a Scratch script running a Broadcast block does NOT wait...
Google Blockly Games Maze 5 Solution #Blockly #Javascript #Coding...
Connect to Your Raspberry Pi With SSH on Older Windows PCs #RaspberryPi #Windows...
Google Coding for Boys: A simple Google image search for 'Coding for Boys' shows lots...
Google Blockly Games Maze 1 Solution #Blockly #Javascript #Coding...
Arduino Uno vs Arduino Mega #Arduino #Hackerspaces...