EduBlocks is a visual block based programming tool built by Josh Lowe from the Google Blockly visual coding language.
EduBlocks was created to help teachers transition students from simple block based code (like Scratch blocks) to text based programming languages like Python.
You can see in the “Say Hello” coding card example (there’s a free set of 10 cards, see link below) the relevant code for Scratch blocks, EduBlocks blocks, and Python code plus their output.
Download the Full Set of Printable EduBlocks Coding Cards for Free
The idea is students who are used to using Scratch blocks will learn a Scratch “say” block is the equivalent of an EduBlocks “print” block which translates to the Python “print()” function.
Example EduBlocks Code
The EduBlocks can be converted into pure Python code, demonstrating how the EduBlocks blocks (which are similar in design to Scratch blocks) relate to the syntax of a text based programming language.
Below is the content of the Downloaded py file:
from microbit import *
while True:
if button_a.is_pressed():
display.scroll("Button A Pressed")
elif button_b.is_pressed():
display.scroll("Button B Pressed")
Python is a good choice for a language to transition to from Scratch since Python function names tend to be easy to understand and it’s possible to break Python code into a block like format.
EduBlocks isn’t a heavily used programming tool (it’s relatively new), so you won’t find as many projects as you do with Scratch, but there are Minecraft and Raspberry Pi resources available, well worth a look for those trying to transition students from Scratch to Python.
David Law
What tools/IDE do you use to convert scratch blocks to python code
I want to convert scratch code to python code